Well, it's been a while for me (Jaime here). I have spent this summer nannying for a family in Boulder. Very sweet girls, but it does take a lot of time and energy. So I apologize for the procrastination. I guess I will start from today and work my way back. Today we had our friends Matt and Christy over for a little Birthday celebration. I made Eric some "no such thing cake".

Go for the gold (or silver-ware)

Eric is deciding between the cake and me...guess which one he chose?

One weekend in June was spent up in Vail, Colorado at the TMG. This was Eric's fourth year attending, but his first year not working there. We had a blast, we found a cute little Deutsch restaurant, (very yummy), and we got to go camping and eat some Keebler s'mores.
Camping in June, right? Yeah. We woke up in the morning to a nice layer of snow everywhere. You'll have to take my word for it. It melted quickly.

Chillin' at the Dog Competitions

Happy Doggy

Annie loooves camping, getting dirty, and swimming.

"Star Wars: A Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy" Yes, the light sabers light up. (Editor's note: Photos and the written word cannot justify the shameful geekiness that this photo portrays. You'll have to see this pop-up madness first hand to understand. Suffice it to say, I wouldn't let small children play with this book unsupervised. Click on the photo to see larger - but that still won't do it justice. - Eric)
Also, Eric has been lining up and playing gigs around Denver and Boulder this summer. He is doing so well with his music and I am so proud of him (but that's a whole other post)!
Well, that about sums it up. Eric will probably make some changes to this, but all in all, I must say we are having a fantastic summer and look forward to every weekend's new adventure.