Friday, July 30, 2010

cool info graph on how much the digital world has changed since i started college


Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
Calvin Coolidge

Posted via email from ericforsyth's posterous

I did it!

While typing one of today's 6 bajillion emails, I spelled the word "maintenance" correctly, on my first try, without even thinking about it. No spell-check needed.

You may not think this is a big deal, but it is. I'm a new man.

Posted via email from ericforsyth's posterous

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"The Thin of Thick Things" Press Release

Do you know anyone in the music, journalism, or radio business? Shoot me an email at and let me know. I have a press release and a free CD for them.

Posted via email from ericforsyth's posterous

Friday, July 23, 2010

Rear Window

I love this movie, so when I saw this great movie poster designed by Brandon Shaeffer, I had to preserve it somewhere to share. See more awesome Branon Shaeffer movie posters here.

Posted via email from ericforsyth's posterous

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Thin of Thick Things

For those that are unaware, I like to play music. I like to write music. I like to record music. I like to listen to music. These likes have joined forces and led to a new record. It's called The Thin of Thick Things and it's now available for pre-ordering on my website at

This is something i'm extremely excited about. It's my 2nd EP and in many ways it's quite different than the first (Trees and Other Shady Things), but that may just be me, analyzing it much deeper than the average Joe would. I'm excited about the music, but i'm also excited about the CD design by mCroxton Design, the mandolin playing on three tracks my Dave Willis of Boulder, CO, the webpage graphic by Daniel, the fact that the CD will be available all over the web, including iTunes, and lastly, I'm stoked to wit's end about my official CD Release Show at The Laughing Goat on Pearl Street, Boulder, CO on September 25, 2010. Tell your friends.

Something occurred to me on Sunday. Creating a collection of songs like this, writing the music, lyrics, recording it myself, organizing and managing the production and design myself and seeing a finished, mastered result in your and my hands is one of the few things in my life that I will ever create from scratch and be able to say it's truly original. That is why I'm glad I was able to create Trees and Other Shady Things in 2008 and why I'm happy to bring you The Thick of Thin Things.

All I want for my birthday is for everyone I know to forgo one fast food meal and instead, spend $7 on this fun little collection of songs. That's a win/win, I'd say. Although Pre-ordering has begun, the actual public release is not until 9.21 (CD Release Show on 9/25). Pre-ordering ensures you get it just before 9.21 and you even save money on shipping.

Hope you like it,

Posted via email from ericforsyth's posterous

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Miles Davis

I came home at about 10:45pm last night, and Jaime was busy doing something productive in her little domain upstairs. I got a bowl of ice cream, walked upstairs with it, and delightfully discovered that she had rummaged through my boxes of old CDs and pulled out a Miles Davis album. She ripped it onto her new iMac and had it playing out of the new speakers we got her.

I folded Annie's dog bed in half, laid down on the carpet and used it as a pillow. Finished my ice cream and fell asleep right there, listening to Miles. It was great. I need to listen to more jazz. I used to listen to jazz at least half of the time. Thank you, Jaime.

p.s. if you don't own "Kind of Blue" you need to get it. Today. It's one of those "every human that can hear must own" albums.

Posted via email from ericforsyth's posterous