Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Re: No Time to say Hello, Goodbye...

A few comments on the previous post from your roommate:

1) You are a sexy working machine woman. Like some kind of hybrid between Eve (woman), the terminator (machine), a lumberjack (working), and yourself (sexy).

2) I took the liberty of fixing your Comm140 blog link in this post. It was incorrect. That will be $225.00. Or 3 kisses.

3) I particular like your calendar entry on Thursday, March 26: "251 - Reflective Paper - What?" It's very...reflective.

4) I'm glad you used that photo of Annie. When I was composing it, I planned on titling it "Annie and her shadow on a dry Sunday" So that's what it's called: "Annie and her shadow on a dry Sunday."

5) We'll buy you a kick-a computer as soon as yours truly crashes (sans sabotage), regardless of what tax-deductible 0% APR guitars I recently purchased. In the meantime, let me know how I can help you back up your computer so that when it inevitably crashes, it will merely be cause for celebration, not lamentation.

6) On behalf of Sarah, myself and the other 2 people who read our blog, we are very glad you're posting.


Sarah Stout said...

Du bringst mich zum lachen! Du bist echt lustig. Mein Lieblings Begriff von dieser Liste ist nummer 4. Nun, muss du dieser Kommentar für Jamie übersetzen.

Andrea Forsyth said...

make that three people...and when i'm at home alone i sometimes read things to dallin. never mind that he's barely a week old - that brings the total to four...

eric said...

sorry andrea, you were already counted in "the other 2 people that read our blog." (sigh.)